“Ask Women” host Kristen Carney joins Calling Out: Skeptic Show to discuss sex related issues.


Click here to listen to this CALLING OUT WITH SUSAN PINSKY Podcast, and Subscribe on ITUNES

Podcast One’s very own ASK WOMEN comedian Kristen Carney joins us in studio with Psychic Medium Jennifer Shaffer and has a spot on reading that made her very happy! She is open to the process, however Mike Carano also joins us and has become our resident skeptic. ASK WOMEN PODCAST co host, Marni Kinrys  from the Wing Girl Method makes a cameo appearance.

Susan also discusses her harrowing experience on the 134 freeway between Eagle Rock and Pasadena. Caucasian male flasher in a silver dooley truck chases her to her exit fully erect.

This show is somewhat explicit in nature, so please be careful if you have small children listening. 

The Weight of Perfection

My love for my children is eternal. Drew and I were given a gift of three healthy babies all at once. We raised three incredible babies into amazing young adults and found parenthood challenging. My mothering skills were what they were.

I was not perfect and never will be.

When all three were accepted into three prestigious colleges, boxes were piled high to the ceiling to ship to all three destinations across the country. I was so confident and excited for them. Everyone was worried about me falling into the empty nest syndrome, but I was so ready to see them blossom.

I felt that this was the end of an 18-year child-rearing journey, now it was just my husband and I alone in our home. Like many 18-year-olds, they were ready to leave home and be on their own. Paulina was by far the most ready to go to college. I was extremely sad to see her go, even though our relationship really seemed troubled. When Paulina came home for spring break a year and a half later, I was supportive of all the choices she made. I even supported her in  dying her hair pink and purple. I thought New York had brought out her artistic side. She made big changes, like quitting ice skating and joining rugby, but I was excited for her. I remained supportive in every way I could, and I flew to New York to film and photograph her many games and musical theater performances as often as I could.

The moment Paulina told me about her eating disorder, I could see the weight of her secret lifting off of her shoulders. I could feel her relief and I could see how difficult it was for her to tell me.

I was terrified and speechless. I had no idea how to respond, since I have no formal training in this subject.  In a defeated voice I muttered my response, not to hurt her, to advise her as a mother would. Maybe I was angry because she hid this from me. As a mother, I’m frustrated and confused, even talking about it now. I feel like I failed as a mother and I sink into a deflated self. My baby girl was suffering from an eating disorder. How could I have not known? Her periods were normal, she was always at a good weight, and I never saw her vomit. No one knew.

I have realized that things my mother said to me left a lasting impression. I find myself saying the same type of things, as much as I despised hearing them from my mother, and I’m truly sorry now that I recognize the pattern. I did not know I had such power in my words until now.

After a few months passed, we all sat down in our first therapy session. These sessions helped strengthen my relationship with Paulina. I also realized how much my family history with my mother had impacted how I was as a mother, and learned my obsession with my appearance should not be passed down to my daughter. Even though I personally don’t have an eating disorder, I suffer from poor body image because my appearance was how I made a living when I was young woman and we all have to do many things in order to survive.

When Paulina was born I kissed her little head and said, “You have an opportunity to be what I always wished for myself and couldn’t be.”  I wish only the best opportunities for her and will give her whatever it takes to accomplish what she dreams. She has exceeded my expectations already, and now I want her to be comfortable in her own skin every day of her life. I now understand that the mind and soul are really what is most important. Our body is a vessel in this lifetime, one that we should take care of in order to stay here, but our soul continues into eternity. Thanks to Paulina, I will always remember this.

Huffington Post article 

Medium Jennifer Shaffer and Dr. Denise McDermott

Medium Jennifer Shaffer and Dr. Denise McDermott

Right now on Podcast One!

Meet Hoyt Richards! A tall, handsome and extremely well educated man. Hear this horrific tale he tells about himself as a young affluent boy, brainwashed into leaving his family and college life to become a follower of a large and terrifying cult. After 20 years, his savior that finally pulled him free from the North Carolina compound of cult members, was none other than Fabio! He has opened up his mind to reconnect with his perpetrator on Calling Out, with Medium Jennifer Shaffer and Dr. Denise McDermott. We wonder if the cult mentality makes it difficult to reach into his past.

Hoyt now works as a community servant with Steve Hassan from FREEDOM OF MIND. He hopes to aid others whom have been affected by cults. Click through on Amazon to see the book by Steve Hassan.

Hoyt still has a sense of humor after this tragic lifestyle, and on this podcast, he admits he has nothing to regret during this lifetime. He co produced and has written a comedy motion picture for us to enjoy, courtesy of Tortoise Entertainment.



George Noory joins in on an all new CALLING OUT


Psychic Medium Rebecca Fearing from LA TALK RADIO, “Dancing with Ghosts” takes a tour of one of George’s homes in St. Louis. He discovers he has a resident lady friend ghost who may be keeping him from the love of his life! But have no fear George, you will be happy soon!

George teleports via Skype into our studio from his Coast to Coast radio program/ podcast world, and Rebecca does the same into his home with her uncanny ability to use her intuitive Skype like mind skills, showing her his home from thousands of miles away. Rebecca has no knowledge of who he is when she sits down, but is capable of seeing his interesting world from Beverly Hills, California.

George is astounded at the end when he hears his father shout out to his brother Eddy! No one knows about Eddy, so she wins him over with her clairvoyant abilities


We are also joined by producer Kyle’s lovely wife Heather Douglas who reconnects with her reluctant brother. She loved the information and has a new understanding of his experience before he passed away tragically.

Subscribe today and have a new download weekly!

Actress Bianca Kajlich and Mike Catherwood are Calling Out!

BianaandMikeWe love RULES OF ENGAGEMENT, and soon to premiere this winter,  UNDATEABLE on NBC, the beautiful and talented actress, Bianca Kajlich, and soon to be home daddy  hubby,  Mike Catherwood  joined us this week!

Bianca Kajlich and Mike Catherwood have an eye opening ancestry lesson from Medium Cindy Kaza that is spot on! Having a child makes us all want to learn our roots and make a warm and happy home to raise a healthy baby.  Have never heard Mike so quiet! And he got busted for breaking her car door knobs! Bianca has an interesting family history. As per her loved ones of past, enjoys her collection of purses and clothes! Spirits don’t lie.

Mike Catherwood joins Dr. Drew on the Loveline Show  5 nights a week and Mike and Drew Podcast here on PODCAST ONE.  Tune in and listen.

ALSO! Join us in this new episode and hear also the brilliant medium Lisa Williams as she reads our lovely producer Heidi. She may open her to help her find her true love, even if she has to wait a bit…